Premiered: The Electronic Café International, Santa Monica, CA and The NYU Television Studios, NYC
Conceived and Directed by: Mark Coniglio & Dawn Stoppiello
Performers: Dawn Stoppiello, Ilaan Egeland, Shannon Kenney, Wiley Evans, Tom Lopez, Becky Allen (LA), Andrea Mills, Robin Ziemer (NYC)
Video Phone Technology: Kit Galloway & Sherrie Rabinowitz
Photo Credit: Steve Gunther
Tactile Diaries is a work about the ways we touch one another: emotionally, physically and virtually and was our first work involving telecommunications. The piece was performed simultaneously at The Electronic Cafe in Los Angeles and The NYU Television Studios, New York City. We used slow-scan videophone techniques developed by Electronic Cafe founders Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz to transmit images from the local performances to the remote site using ordinary phone lines.
In the final section of the work, an early version of the MidiDancer was used to allow dancer/choreographer Dawn Stoppiello to use the shape of her body to determine when images would be transmitted to New York.
Watch Full Performance Video (30m)
The Electronic Cafe International Website