SWARM (2015)

SWARM Vimeo Channel


Troika Ranch’s SWARM is an immersive, multimedia installation/performance that uses simple visual stimuli to call the audience and performers into action. The crux of SWARM is that only through coordination, conversation, and collective action can the audience – the “swarm” – reveal the fullest and most complete dramatic arc of the piece. Because audience action drives the artistic expression in SWARM, they are required participants during the development of the piece. In this way, every performance is in fact also a rehearsal. The unpredictable nature of audience behavior coupled with their attempt to follow the simple instructions creates a group complexity of movement that cannot be intentionally configured.


Creative Development Residencies

College of  the Holy Cross – Fall 2015

Reed College – June 2014

Marshall University – February 2014

Carleton College – September 2013